Wednesday 12 April 2023

A stopover in rural France, somewhere between Troyes and Joinville

rural france

Since we left Troyes, we stayed overnight in a house with a French lady and her son, where we rented two rooms. There were two cats, chickens, eggs, tomatoes, Buddha statues, bicycle and flowers. She greeted us warmly, introduced us to her house and garden, including the garden tomatoes and eggs.

rural france

rural france

rural france

rural france

rural france

rural france

rural france

rural france

We relaxed a bit and ate, then went for a short walk, during which we did not meet a single person. It was the first week of August, a quiet and warm evening with no wind.., the golden hour.. The sun was setting down, there were some blackberries growing and we met some village cats. 

rural france

rural france

rural france

french village

It was a lovely evening somewhere in rural France.. The next day, after all the fresh eggs and delicious tomatoes, we said goodbye and continued east, towards our next destination

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